Books and Plays

The novel Penumbra, yet unfinished (hopefully released by the end of 2023) focuses on the life of a middle-aged female artist who tries to maneuver her way in the world of art as well as outside of it. Past pandemic, moving away from her life in a big city and its art events, to live in the Italian...



Intervention connects to the play Intermission in setting and characters. In terms of content, however, it goes much further. The characters still find themselves stuck on the island, which needs to be abandoned for its limited resources. For leaving the island a boat has to be build by all of the islanders together. The text, also here in...

No hard feelings is a short story about the women in the artists Sarah Kürtens' family. Exploring the idea of emancipation throughout generations. It tries to define the idea of emancipation as a an ongoing process often undermined or even prevented by self betrayal and heritage. How change in society, has to sometimes "grow out" and can not...

The devil finds work in idle hands, published on the occasion of O.T. 2018 at Bonner Kunstverein, is a collection of short stories dealing with four different obsessive male intellectual stereotypes. The dandy, the painter, the antiquarian, the architect. All four seeking the idea of utopia by shaping the world, or parts of it under the permission...

Egal - a play


Egal is a 30 min Play for two actors. It is a conversation between an elderly male figure (representing the past) and a young female (representing present and future). These two being in an intense dialogue, facing their differences and their commonalities. He acting in a fatherly manner whereas she tries to emancipate. Realizing she is not only,...



the word copy copied until it vanishes



Pleasure Ground published 2013 by Rhein Verlag deals with the development of an Artwork from its point of view. The story is told from the first person perspective of the work itself. Structurally the story develops roughly shaped as the work itself. Slowly taking form, the language almost confusing and absurd, becomes clearer with each sentence...



Intermission, a charade in two short acts, is a play developed into a seven channel sound piece. It is following a bunch of art critics being stranded on a remote island, finding a painter by accident, who is equally lost. Not only physically though, but in expectations and judgment. Their own as well as the worlds. All of them together...

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